Reflection for CPD Showcase

The experience for the showcase was an enjoyable and memorable one. As students, we are always given opportunities to present for a class of 40. However, as my team stands in front of 100 and more students today, it was the first time where I had to present in front of a large crowd. It was indeed frightening as I did not do this before but it was good exposure for myself.  This is a firsthand experience that I am able to have before stepping into the working world, where presentations common. This will provide me with an edge, with knowing what to expect for future presentations in school or at work.

Some strengths of my presentation would include: I was able to project my voice and engage the audience. As it was a large crowd, it is essential to be able to interact with the audience to keep them interested. I was able to keep eye contact with my audience and capture their attention through visual aids and video. My team and I also tried to keep the slides content concise to make it easier to digest for our audience.

Some weaknesses include: I tend to speak faster when I am nervous which may not be beneficial as the audience may not be able to digest the information quickly. Also, even though I may keep eye contact with my audience, my eye contact tends to be “fluttery” as I tend to look back and forth to look at the slides. For future opportunities to present again, I will ensure I am confident of my slides and rehearse to speak slower and clearer.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Nikki,

    Firstly, I’m glad to see that despite facing some challenges presenting as a whole group for the presentation showcase, you and Bob still forged ahead and presented on behalf of the tutorial group! Well done!

    Next, I want to congratulate you on braving the big turnout for the night and you did well! I could not see that you were nervous at all! From your reflection, I can see that you’ve reflected and identified the areas of improvement.

    Continue to work on that and I’m confident that you’ll be a better speak eventually! Hereby wishing you all the best for IWSP!

    Hao Yi


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